
Temperature: 81 and overcast – a little rainy.
Stings: 0

Left Hive: Well, somehow it worked itself out. There are some frames that aren’t drawn out but there are also frames with brood and honey.
Bees were happy and easy to work with but too many hive beetles.

Right Hive: The super still has no drawn frames. Weird? Thinking I might add a top feeder. When I inspected the top brood box there was brood. The bees were super aggressive. Several tried to get between my glove and jacket. Not sure if there was a smell or something? I walked away and came back and they were settled. But, one frame later the same thing happened. Because all looked good I opted to leave the hive alone from there. Some hive beetles, but not too many.

Actions: Add salt around hives to help kill hive beetle larvae. Figure out how to convince the right hive to build in the super.